The Cup #Friday Fictioneers

“Here it is,” she said.  “My studio.”
He followed her in and looked around.  One little lamp at the far end casting conic sections against the blank white walls – parabolas of light.  He glanced at the table in the center of the room.  Bare except for a glass of sangria.  Little beads of dew chasing themselves down the smooth cold curve.
“What’s this?”
“In case you want to stay for a while,” she replied.
She took a pitcher from the fridge, set it on the table.
It’s okay, he said to himself.  I’ve waited long enough.


I’m back!  Last week, I was preparing for a big exam.  This week, I’m stuck in the house due to the Great North Carolina Snowpocalypse.  Anyway…Every Friday, writers from all around the world write 100 word (or thereabouts) flash fiction based on a photo posted that Wednesday on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ blog.

I welcome constructive criticism; without it I cannot grow as a writer.  The weekly photo that inspired this story is below:

About glossarch

The word "glossarch" doesn't exist. At least, not yet. But let's pretend it does for a second. The first part is "gloss," a word that comes to us from Ancient Greek via Latin and English. It means "language." The second part also comes from Ancient Greek and can mean "having power over." So "glossarch" means simply "language controller." So what am I doing making up words? Well, I made up an entire language once. It's called Angosey. So I'm the Glossarch of Angosey. I'm currently a doctorate student in volcano seismology (a branch of geophysics). I enjoy writing fiction and poetry, launching balloons, programming, and hanging out with my lovely wife! Follow me on Twitter! Writing and language creation: @glossarch Balloons and science: @bovineaerospace
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9 Responses to The Cup #Friday Fictioneers

  1. An enigmatic little story. Leaves one wondering…

  2. Gray Toast says:

    Good description of the shapes of light! The only time I use math terms is to insult it. Happy V-Day!

  3. Fitting for Valentin’s day. Good story.

  4. Time for a drink, no doubt.
    (Hope the exam went well.)

  5. Well-done story. Hope you did well in the exam.

  6. Sarah Ann says:

    Beautiful descriptions in this – the parabolas and chasing dew.

  7. Dear Danny,

    Sounds to me like he’s decided to stay. 😉 Nice one.



  8. Nan Falkner says:

    I bet he wanted to stay even without the sangria! Good story. Thanks, Nan

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