April’s Way #Friday Fictioneers

Another week rolls by, and I am actually on time!  I should have gone to bed an hour ago, but you can sleep when you’re dead!  Anyway… Every Friday, writers from all around the world write 100 word (or thereabouts) flash fiction based on a photo posted that Wednesday on Rochelle Wisoff-Fields’ blog.

Here’s my story this week.  I welcome constructive criticism; without it I cannot grow as a writer.

April’s Way

As she brushed past him between classes, she slipped him a note.  Above the eraser marks and crossed out text she’d finally written:
“Meet me by the old tree along Eden Prairie Road.  I think we should get to know each other.”
At three thirty he pushed open the double doors and walked out past the suburbs with their ruler-straight lawns and carefully trimmed rose bushes till the houses trailed off and the tree stood lonely and tall.  There she was, back towards the town, gazing out at the land falling away far and green and wild.

About glossarch

The word "glossarch" doesn't exist. At least, not yet. But let's pretend it does for a second. The first part is "gloss," a word that comes to us from Ancient Greek via Latin and English. It means "language." The second part also comes from Ancient Greek and can mean "having power over." So "glossarch" means simply "language controller." So what am I doing making up words? Well, I made up an entire language once. It's called Angosey. So I'm the Glossarch of Angosey. I'm currently a doctorate student in volcano seismology (a branch of geophysics). I enjoy writing fiction and poetry, launching balloons, programming, and hanging out with my lovely wife! Follow me on Twitter! Writing and language creation: @glossarch Balloons and science: @bovineaerospace
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16 Responses to April’s Way #Friday Fictioneers

  1. Intriguing. She pretty forward. Wonder what she has up her sleeve? I like the title: April’s Way.

  2. elappleby says:

    I like the contrast between the neat lawns and the tree – great little story. She sounds like a real wild child!

  3. You painted a vividly scene with you words.

  4. I like the title and its implication, at least to me, of new beginnings and changes. I also like the contrast between the two places–one neat and tidy, the other wild and free.


    • glossarch says:

      When I wrote the story I was thinking about the book of Genesis – the movement from a perfect garden to a grittier world. Like Philip Pullman I do not think it is such a bad thing after all.

  5. I’m a little concerned what might happen next. You’ve hinted a little.. But sure it can’t be good

  6. erinleary says:

    Beautiful set up. What happens next?

  7. petrujviljoen says:

    Well told story! Liked it. I do not have to wonder what will happen next.

  8. petrujviljoen says:

    I hope ‘April’s Way’ of doing things won’t get her into trouble. Hope she stays as wild as she is now with wisdom picked up along the way.

  9. Looks like the boy’s about to have an out of classroom learning experience. Nicely written, Danny.

  10. jwdwrites says:

    Great story, you crammed in so much description here I don’t know how you managed to flesh it out so much with so little room. Well done. 🙂

  11. Nice writing, Danny. I really get a sense of his mood and anticipation of his encounter. Love the last line, too. Great!

  12. That April, she’s not shy, is she?

  13. zookyworld says:

    I like how the scene unfolded, from note to suburbs, to tree — and you really drew a contrast with the well-ordered nature of the ‘burbs with the wildness beyond it. And neat that the road is named after Eden. Good story!

  14. I got pulled into your story and now I want to read more! Nice work.

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